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Emballage og nyt ekstruderingslinie

Forside>Anvendelse>Emballage og nyt ekstruderingslinie

PC/PMMA/GPPS/ABS plastplade- og pladeekstruderingslinje


Applicable scope of PC endurance board, PC corrugated sheet Garden, recreation place, decoration and the corridor pavilion; Internal and external ornaments in the commercial building, curtain wall of the modern urban building; transparent container of aviation, the windscreen before the motorcycle, the plane, the train, the steamer, the submarine, army and police’s shield, the telephone booth,advertising signpost, the advertisement of the lamp houses, the expressway and overhead way of the city partition protective screen.

ABS、HIPS/GPPS  Refrigerator board

Det har bred anvendelse i produktionen af ​​køleskabsdør og indvendig galdeblære, skuffer, vanddispensere osv.

ABS/PMMA  Sanitaryware plate

Det anvendes i vid udstrækning inden for badeprodukter, såsom badekarret, brusekabinen, damprummet, vaskeskålen osv.

ABS/PC Bagageplade

Det anvendes hovedsageligt inden for trækbokse, kufferter, rekreative tasker osv.

ABS、ABS + PC Car plate

It is mainly used in to produce tops of cars and buses, instrument boards, backrest, car doors, window frames,shells of the motorcycles, golf vehicles, etc.



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