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Profil Ekstruderingslinjer

Forside>Produkter>Profil Ekstruderingslinjer

Plast- og træprofil og pladeekstruderingslinie


After the line add or replacing the different spare part , can be produced plastic steel window profile、pinch plate、window sill、siding plate、corrugated sheets and wpc of floor、fences 、door panel、door pocket、lines, etc.

At present WPC extrusion line has two ways: one step way and two steps way: one step way mainly used to produce PVC wood plastic product, two steps way mainly used to extrude PP/PE wood plastic product. The screws and barrel is  treated by bimetal treatment, wearable and anti-erode, featured in good plasticization, high capacity, energy saving and wood podwer and the other wooden fibre can occupied high quantity as 50-70%. This equipment is an ideal choice for customers who want to produce wood tray, indoors and outdoors floor, fences, warehouse plate and outdoors decorative material and so on.



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