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Ark- og pladeekstruderingslinjer

Forside>Produkter>Ark- og pladeekstruderingslinjer

PP, EVA, EVOH, PS og PE Multi-lags ark Co-ekstruderingslinie



PP, EVA, EVOH, PS og PE Multi-lags ark Co-ekstruderingslinie
To meet market's high request on products, Shanghai JWELL develops advanced

technology of five layer symmetrical distribution and
seven layer asymmetrical distribution, which makes the sheets having betterbarrier performance.

PP/EVA/EVOH/EVA/PP fem eller syv flerlags co-ekstrudering højbarriere friskholdende ark
has the excellent anti-oxygen and anti-humidity features. It is one of the best

barrier packing materials.Mainly used for Jelly
packing, meat packing, snack food packing, medicine and cosmetic packing and so on.


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